Geneva — July 2022

Yvette Graham
3 min readJul 18, 2022

Monica and I spent the first day food shopping, Saturday is Market Day in Gex and the market is in our street as you walk out of the door, so that was handy.

Later we walked to the supermarket, it was a really nice walk down an old trainline and then through a field of sunflowers, we did get a bit lost but not too much, we eventually found a Lidl and stocked up, luckily Monica is veggie so we didn’t need any meat, so we pretty much eat the same things.

The next day was Sunday and not much was going on so we decided to take the bus to Geneva, which was pretty easy, you just get the F line bus from the centre of Gex around the corner and it drops you off at the main station in Geneva, it costs about 5 euros return and takes about 40 minutes each way.

Geneva was clean and pretty with a big lake, lake Leman they call it. I wasn’t all that impressed though as it didn’t seem to have any atmosphere or vibe like other big cities have, so for me, it was pretty boring and I wouldn’t hurry back, which was disappointing as I was so looking forward to going there.

Anyway we walked along the water’s edge then found the English park and had our picnic, then we walked up to the water spout and then went to see the cathedral, which was ok, there was a lady giving a free mini tour of the area so we did that with some nice Israeli ladies, which was slightly interesting. I didn’t want to climb the stairs to the tower, so we didn’t do that. We then walked around the old town a bit and then went back to the station. So not a really exciting day but it was ok. All the restaurants looked really expensive there so I’m glad we took our picnic and in Geneva they wont take Euro’s even though they are basically the same as the Swiss Franc.

Marti want to come over to stay with me too but we decided against it as Monica was coming and three might be a crowd, so he decided to go to Spain to see his children who were there and join me in a few weeks on my dogsit in Guernsey so we could be alone….can’t wait….



Yvette Graham

61, vegan & single, I’ve decided to rent out my house in Cyprus & travel the world, I’m also looking to meet my Mr Right along the way….follow my journey!